Different types of conflict

Approach-Approach Conflict

2023-01-16 | 09:35h
2024-11-27 | 10:10h
3 Types of Conflict

If two or more conditions are present, then the fulfillment of all the conditions is not possible. In such a situation there is a possibility of conflict. And this creates stress. Conflict can occur at both conscious and unconscious levels. As the level of conflict increases, the level of depression also increases. All types of conflict are different from each other. Conflicts are psychological. And their solution is also in psychology only.

Unconscious conflicts occur more often in mentally ill people. Conflict cannot arise from a single. There must be at least two or more conditions. Conflict in business and life completes this expenses review.

Conflicts can be resolved with the help of cooperation and compromise. Thomas Kilmann Model suggests solutions to conflicts.


Kurt Lewin first told about the conflict in modern times. According to him, there are three types of conflicts. They are:-

Different types of conflict

 Approach Approach Conflict

When two positive works occur in front of the person. And the person wants to do both. Then approach-approach conflict happens. Because if a person does one task then the other task drops.  As he makes up his mind to do both.

In the same way, a feeling of conflict arises in him. And for this reason, latest it becomes the cause of mental diseases in humans.

A person goes into so much depression that even the thought of suicide starts arising in him. Approach-approach conflict is presented with the help of a desirable process.

Examples of Approach-Approach Conflict

Example of Approach Approach Conflict

In this example, a person also attends the marriage. And also wants to appear in the exam. So, This conflict has arisen. Because he is inclined to do both. But it can’t possible.

Example 2

Example-2 of Approach Approach Conflict

The person also wants to eat a burger. And pizza also wants to eat. But he doesn’t have extra money. And both wishes are positive. So, he is not ready to give up any desire. Because of this, a conflict has arisen.

Another Example of Approach Approach Conflict

Approach-Approach Conflict

According to this example, a person celebrated holidays with family. And he wants to celebrate holidays with friends also. Because of these two desires, a conflict is arising. So, the person is unable to make the correct decision.


 Approach Avoidance Conflict

The approach means moving toward the stimulus. And avoidance means moving away from the stimulus.

Approach Avoidance Conflict

This conflict is a combination of both positive and negative aspects. Positively leads to desirable and negative leads to undesirable compared to other types of conflict.

Examples of Approach Avoidance Conflict

Different Examples of Approach Avoidance Conflict

In this example, a person wants to enjoy getting married. This desire of his shows the approach conflict. And he wants to run away from the responsibility of the family. This approach is related to avoidance conflict.  So, approach-avoidance conflict arises in such situations.

Example 2 Approach Avoidance Conflict

According to this example, a man wants to eat junk food. Because he likes junk food. But eating junk food causes digestion problems. Positive and negative effects also arise in front of him. And he starts to get confused.

example 3 Approach Avoidance Conflicts

Salary increases on promotion. And the post gets bigger. But with that comes more responsibility. Due to all this, the possibility of conflict arises.

Example 4 Approach Avoidance Conflict

Person rash driving. Because he wants to reach early. But there is also a risk of accident. So, a person has to face the conflict.

Example 5 Approach Avoidance Conflict

Man fights with bull in the game. It’s a very dangerous game. And a person gets a big prize for winning. But life is also at risk. Trying to win the prize is an example of approach. And taking a risk of life is an example of avoidance.

 Avoidance Avoidance Conflict

This condition happened when a person chooses between two equally objectionable alternatives compared to other types of conflict. This process leads to a decision-making phenomenon. In this conflict, a person prefers negativity.

Avoidance Avoidance Conflict

In Avoidance avoidance conflict, a person is motivated to avoid both negative goals. Both goals are unattractive.

Humans get disturbed due to avoidance-avoidance conflict. And the mental health of the person begins to deteriorate. If a person is forced to pressurize then he selects the undesirable goal as arbitrarily.

Structure of Avoidance Avoidance Conflict


Examples of Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict

Example of Avoidance Avoidance Conflict

The person wants to do the driving. But don’t want to get a license. And don’t even want to get challan. So, more stress arises in front of the person.

Other Conflicts

Multi Approach Avoidance Conflict

This conflict leads to both positive and negative conditions. When two positive and negative situations appear in front of the person.

Example of Multi-Approach Avoidance Conflict

Multi Approach Avoidance Conflict



Conflict comes in every human life. Psychologically, you can avoid conflicts. And make your life stress-free. Because conflict causes many mental diseases. These diseases later take a very fatal form. So, you should use your cognition power.

Only do one thing at a time. And try to keep yourself mentally strong. Because mental balance keeps you from conflict. So, believe in yourself. And work only after pre-planning. All types of conflict bring trouble in your life. So, work with positive thinking.

If you ever get disappointed in life then keep your spirits up. Consult a clinical psychologist if the level of conflict is high. Because counseling improves a person’s life. So, counseling has its own importance.

Approach-approach conflict is more dangerous. Because the person wants to achieve both goals. But it’s not possible at all. So, a person cannot reduce stress levels. And he goes into more depression. Then it becomes very important to solve this conflict. If the level of this conflict increases. The person also commits suicide. So, it is necessary to solve the conflict.

Sometimes misunderstandings also create conflict. We should avoid these misconceptions. And the decision should be taken very carefully.

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