Psychologists have explained many theories of memory.  With time, the theories of memory also changed. Because now memory was being studied very intensively. So, the critique of old theories of memory.

The five main types of theories of memory. They are the Information processing model and the level of processing model. model of working memory, parallel distributed processing model, and Tulving model of memory.

Theories of Memory

Information Processing Model

In 1968, the Information processing model was proposed by Richard Atkinson and Shiffrin. This information model is also known as Atkinson- Shiffrin model. There is no difference between human memory and computer memory. Because they work same way. So, this model is called information processing model.

This model explains the stages of memory in interconnected processes. It is shown that human memory likes computer processing. The computer’s memory follows step-by-step and human’s memory also. This model is most important compared to other theories of memory.

The information processing model is also called the Multi-store model and Modal of Model. According to this model, human memory can be broken into three sub-sections-sensory register, short-term memory, and long term memory.

This model works step by step. Short-term memory is not possible without sensory register. And long term memory is not possible without short-term memory. So, it is also called the model of computer memory.

Atkinson- Saffrin Model of Memory
Atkinson- Saffrin Model of Memory
  • Sensory Memory    The sensory memory receives information from the outer environment with the help of sensory channels( vision, hearing, touch, etc.)The sensory register receives information for a very brief duration. It provides temporary information to a brief process.
  • STM(Short-Term Memory)   The STM received information from the sensory register. STM holds information for up to about 30 seconds. It is a very limited capacity. STM has a capacity of  7±2 chunks (George Miller-1956). Transfer process of STM into LTM is dependent on rehearsal and elaboration.
  • LTM(Long-Term Memory)      With the help of rehearsal and elaboration information is stored in LTM. The stored information is very highly organized manner. According to this model, LTM has unlimited capacity.

Level of Processing Model

In 1972, the level of processing theory was proposed by Craik and Lockhart. This model of memory is presented with the help of focus on the depth of processing in memory. The level of processing model also plays an important role than other theories of memory. This model is very important than other theories of memory.

The level of processing model is a non-structured processing approach and information is processed at multilevel and depending upon stimulus characteristics.

Level of Processing Model of Memory
Level of Processing Model of Memory

Three-level of processing in this Model. They are- Structural level, Phonetic level, and Semantic level.

  • Structural Level    This level is a shallow level of processing. The shallow level is only a structural (Physical) characteristic of the stimulus.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Example-   Structure of Words- E,F,G,R. They are presented with the help of only physical characteristics.
  • Phonetic Level   In the phonetic level, we listen to the sound of the word. This leads to shallow-level processing.
  • Semantic Level   The semantic level is a deeper processing level. At this level, we understand the meaning of words. The semantic level is presented with the help of elaboration strategies.
    Level of Processing Model
    Level of Processing Model


    Example of Level of Processing Model
    Example of Level of Processing Model

    Criticism of the Level of Processing Model

    • Deeper processing consumes more time than shallow levels.
    • Deeper processing cannot be objectively measured.
    • Not explained why deep processing is effective.

Model of Working Memory

In 1974, the model of working memory was proposed by Alan Baddeley and Graham Hitch. This working model is based on human memory. This model differs from other theories of memory.

In working memory, working memory is based on a multi-component system and it can both retain and process information but STM (Short Term Memory) only hold information.

Modal of Working Memory
Modal of Working Memory

Structure of Working Memory

  • Central Executive   In working memory, the central executive is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the sub-system (Phonological loop, Articulatory control, and Visuospatial Sketch pad).
  • Phonological loop   The phonological loop is related to speech production and holds information in a speech-based for 1-2 seconds. In the phonological loop, spoken words store directly.                                                                                                 Example-  Reading is an example of a phonological loop.
  • Articulatory          It is related to speech production.
  • Visuospatial Sketch Pad          The visuospatial sketch pad deals with visual and spatial information. And visual information refers to the physical characteristics of things.

Parallel Distributed Processing Model of Memory

The parallel distributed model was proposed by David Rumelhart and James L. McClelland. According to this model, many types of information occur within the brain at once time. This process is called the parallel distributed model. This model is also important and related to neuron connections compared to other theories of memory.

Psychologists also know the parallel as connections and neural networks. This parallel model does not focus on different kinds of memory. And a brain does not work in a series of activities. Every new event and experience changes the strength of the connections of neurons. If strength is strong then memory connection leads to good memory. If the neurons lose connection and are poor, then the connection also leads to poor memory and recall.

Parallel Distributed Processing Model of Memory
Parallel Distributed Processing Model of Memory

This model explained that memory is made up of neural networks that interact to store information.

Tulving Model of Memory

In 1972, Tulving model of memory was proposed by Endel Tulving. Tulving was the first person who distinguish between semantic memory and episodic memory. Semantic memory is the ability to store general knowledge in memory. This most important model among all theories of memory. Because this model explained declarative memory.

Tulving Model of Memory
Tulving Model of Memory



Criticism of all theories of memory

  • According to the information processing model, three processes divide memory. They are sensory memory, STM, LTM. But Atkinson did not fully define sensory memory.
  • David Rumelhart ignored the motivational factors. These factors play an important role in neuron connections.



Factors Affecting the Prenatal Development

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