Educational Implications of Vygotsky Sociocultural Theory
Psychological theories have very important in educational settings. And many theories are used in different ways in education. Among them, Vygotsky‘s sociocultural theory plays the most important role. He rejected Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. and said that the cognitive development of the child cannot divided into stages. Social and cultural has the greatest impact on the development of the child. The main educational implications of Vygotsky sociocultural theory. This theory is widely used in educational settings.
Children need positive environmental conditions. And children learn only by living in the environment. So, humans are related to the environment. Children cannot learn without a favorable environment. Because children may also need guidance. If adolescence is not given a favorable environment, they will not be able to learn.
Most Important Educational Implications
In educational settings, the teacher does the teaching after understanding the environmental factor of the child. Positive and cooperative factors lead to the fast development of children. And parents also try to provide a positive environment for the child.
To make teaching effective, it is very important for the teacher to understand cultural norms. And children are taught according to the culture.
Vygotsky is more stressed about child-centered learning. Because children should be taught according to his/her interest. And the children remain more active in the learning process.
According to ZPD (of Proximal Development), with the help of guidance, a child’s learning power is strengthened. When the child needs help, only then he is helped in learning.
This theory helps to understand children’s behavior. Teaching can be done only by predicting the behavior of children. It is very important to measure the children’s behavior.
Teachers can increase a child’s learning ability by using scaffolding. Teaching is made better with the help of scaffolding.
Children learn with the help of social constructivism. So, children should learn through group activities. And children also learn a lot from society. Children live in groups of friends. And they learn a lot from their group.
A teacher can make teaching effective by acting as a facilitator. Help children when they need guidance.
Teachers can make teaching very effective through collaborative learning. And, children get to learn from each other. Vygotsky prioritizes collaborative learning.
It is an instructional activity. In this activity, teachers learn from children and children learn from teachers.
Other Educational Implications
Lev Vygotsky did not divide the cognitive ability of the child into stages. According to him, the environmental factor has a lot of influence on the cognitive development of the child. So, a negative environment has a negative effect and a positive environment has a positive effect on the child’s cognitive ability. Give them a chance to learn in environmental conditions. When children are solving a problem with their cognitive power. Then there should not be interference in their work. And help them as guidance workers when needed.
Adolescents’ cognitive power can be more than adulthood. Because it depends on the opportunities in the environment. Children’s cognitive power is not biologically determined. But it depends on environmental factors and conditions. The teacher should teach children with the help of scaffolding. Because of this, the child learns very fast.
This theory is based on child-centered. Because children work with a free mind. all children have their own creative power. But it is important to recognize the creative power of children. If the child’s capacity level is not identified. Then, the full development of the child cannot be possible.
Children learn a lot by being in the family. And increase your abilities and capacities.
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