Freud’s Psychosexual Theory

The psychosexual theory was proposed by Sigmund Freud. This theory is based on psychosexual development. According to Freud, the development of personality is dependent on a series of childhood stages related to psychosexual theory. Freud’s psychosexual theory plays an important role in psychology. The series of childhood stages are not skipped and each stage of […]

Ecological System Theory in psychology

In 1979, the ecological system theory was proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner.  The development of children depends on complex systems. This complex system is called an ecological system. Earlier, Bronfenbrenner divided the environmental system into four different systems and later added another system (Chronosystem). Types of Ecological System Theory Ecological system theory is presented with the […]


Psychologists have explained many theories of memory.  With time, the theories of memory also changed. Because now memory was being studied very intensively. So, the critique of old theories of memory. The five main types of theories of memory. They are the Information processing model and the level of processing model. model of working memory, […]

Theory of Motivation

Motivation is a psychological, biological, social and cognitive, emotional state that a person towards a specific goal. The main theory of motivation is available in psychology. Without motivation, any person cannot achieve a goal because motivation forces them to continue hard work, smart work, and struggle. It maintains goal-oriented behavior in different-different situations too difficult […]