Motor Development in Infancy

Developmental Psychologists conducted many experiments related to motor skills on infants. Motor development in infancy is very rapid. Motor development plays an important role in child development. This development leads to the movement of muscles like arms, legs, and feet. These motor skills are used for walking, jumping, and so on. Motor development is dependent on […]

Genetic Factors

Genetic factors and environmental factors influence development. But development has the most effect on genetic factors because DNA and chromosomes are present in the genetic factors. In development, genetic factors play an important role. Developmental psychologists, study genetic factors because, without knowledge of the genetic factors, we do not scientifically understand human development. They are […]

Psychosocial Theory

Erikson’s theory has its own special significance. In 1950, the psychosocial theory was proposed by Erik Erikson.  Erikson published the book “Childhood and Society.”  Erikson criticizes Freud’s psychosexual theory which emphasizes on sexual approaches. He removed many shortcomings from Freud’s theory. Erikson has given priority to society in his theory. And said that society also […]

Types of Reflexes

Developmental psychologists have identified the capacities of infants with the help of observations. Infants have many types of reflexes. The newborn baby represents a set of capacities. Doctors have identified the capacities of newborn babies with the help of APGAR (Appearance, Pulse, Grimace Activity and Respiration) test. An infant’s reflexes play an important role related […]

Maternal Factors in Prenatal Development

Prenatal development is an important period related to development compared to other periods. In prenatal development, an organism is totally dependent on the mother. The organism gets nutrients through the mother’s placenta. Many factors affect prenatal development. These factors are- teratogens, and maternal factors. Teratogens Teratogens are chemical, physical, and environmental agents that cause damage […]

Freud’s Personality Theory

Sigmund Freud was the founder of psychoanalytic theory. Sigmund Freud believed in the influence of the unconscious mind on conscious behavior. In 1901,  published the book “Psychopathology of everyday life.” Personality is the combination of three elements known as id, ego, and superego. The mind is also divided into three parts- conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. […]

Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Theory

The cognitive development theory was proposed by Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget. Piaget developed a new science called “Genetic Epistemology.” It is the study of the development of knowledge. And, it is an experimental study based on evidence. Jean Piaget’s cognitive theory plays an important to understanding children’s cognitive abilities. Jean Piaget began studies with […]

Piaget’s Moral Theory

In 1932, the moral theory was proposed by Jean Piaget. Piaget was interested in what think of children. Morality is a set of principles or ideals. These principles or ideals help the individual to distinguish right from wrong. Piaget’s moral theory explains that moral development occurs in stages.  According to Jean Piaget’s moral theory, moral […]

Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory

In 1958, the Moral development theory was proposed by Lawrance Kohlberg. Kohlberg extended the theory of Jean Piaget. According to Piaget, two stages of moral development. And, according to Kohlberg, six stages of moral development. In this theory, three levels, and each level is divided into two stages. Kohlberg’s story is dependent on a hypothetical […]